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英语热词| 《延禧攻略》火到国外了!“攻略”英文可以怎么说?

时间:2019-04-04 15:12:17  
来源:平和英语村  作者:平和英语村

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好了,言归正传,《延禧攻略》的英文译为Story of Yanxi Palace,电影《前任攻略》的翻译是Ex-Files,那么攻略的英文到底怎么说?一起来看看吧~


1. strategy 计谋,策略,规划,统筹安排

My sister has been teaching me her shopping strategy for the whole afternoon. 我姐姐整个下午都跟我讲她的购物攻略。


2.tips 诀窍,忠告,指导

Can you tell me your tips for how to choose a suitable pillow? 你能告诉我如何选一个适合自己的枕头吗?


3. guide 指南,指导,入门手册

You’d better prepare a travel guide for your first trip to England. 你第一次去英格兰,最好还是准备一份旅游指南。


4. tactic 手法,策略

I think that, to some extent, love tactics is necessary for the couple to keep the relationship fresh. 我认为,某种程度上,恋爱兵法对保持恋情新鲜度很有必要。


5. walkthrough 玩法说明,通关攻略

After reading the walkthrough, he finally resolved the tricky puzzle. 读完了通关攻略,他终于解决了这个谜题。



1. 饮食攻略:gourmet introduction

2. 电影攻略:movie tips

3. 爱情攻略:love tactics

4. 游戏攻略:game walkthrough

5. 交通攻略:commuting guide

6. 旅游攻略:travel guide

7. 购物攻略:shopping strategy

8. 考试攻略:Test-taking Strategy



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