“暴食”、“贪婪”、“懒惰”、“嫉妒”、“骄傲”、“淫欲”、“愤怒”,这是天主教教义所指的人性七宗罪。城市中发生的连坏杀人案,死者恰好都是犯有这些教义的人。凶手故弄玄虚的作案手法,令资深冷静的警员沙摩塞(摩根•弗里曼 Morgan Freeman 饰)和血气方刚的新扎警员米尔斯(布拉德•皮特 Brad Pitt 饰)都陷入了破案的谜团中。他们去图书馆研读但丁的《神曲》,企图从人间地狱的描绘中找到线索,最后从宗教文学哲学的世界中找到了凶手作案计划和手段的蛛丝马迹。凶手前来投案自首,这令众人都松了一口气,以为案件就此结束,怎料还是逃不出七宗罪的杀人逻辑,这次凶手瞄准的目标,是那个犯了“愤怒”罪的人……
1.我的意思是比起应付生活的困苦,沉迷于药物要容易得多,就像去偷比去赚要容易得多一样,就像打孩子要比养育孩子容易得多 。
I mean,it's easier to lose yourself in drugs,than it is to cope with life.It's easier to steal what you want than to earn it.It's easier to beat a child than to raise it.
The first thing they teach women in rape prevention,is never cry for help.Always yell, "fire!".
He'd die of shock right now,if you shone a flashlight in his eyes.He's experience about as much pain and suffering,as anyone I've encountered, give or take and he still has hell to look forward to.
After him, I selected a lawyer, I know you guys will secretly thank me this choice. This man thought only of money, he resorted to earn money every effort to lie, and then put those murderers and rapists remain in the street!
Putting everything into neat piles and filing it away,on the off chance it'll be needed in the courtroom.
Indifference is also a solution. Addicted to drugs easier than facing the hardships of life, theft easier than making money, playing kids easier than raising kids, love it bother expensive.
7.人们可不想要冠军 他们只想吃芝士汉堡.
People don't want a champion. They want to eat cheeseburgers.
Love costs. It takes effort, work.
"What sick ridiculous puppets we are,what a gross little stage we dance on.
Yeah, well, you might want to get rid of this little,crusty, this eye, Serpico.
his first words to us."Long is the way, and hard, that out of hell,leads up to light."
Seven Deadly Sins: Pride, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony, lust.
There is no conflict whatsoever,and any claim there could be is irresponsible.
Attrition's when you regret your sins,but not because you love god.
This is just to satisfy my curiosity.
Even the most promising clues usually only lead to others.
This world is beautiful, worth fighting for.