故事要从一位无名作家(裘德·洛 Jude Law 饰)说起,为了专心创作,他来到了名为“布达佩斯”的饭店,在这里,作家遇见了饭店的主人穆斯塔法(F·莫里·亚伯拉罕 F. Murray Abraham 饰),穆斯塔法邀请作家共进晚餐,席间,他向作家讲述了这座饱经风雨的大饭店的前世今生。
饭店曾经的主人名叫古斯塔沃(拉尔夫·费因斯 Ralph Fiennes 饰),而年轻的穆斯塔法(托尼·雷沃罗利 Tony Revolori 饰)在当时不过是追随着他的一介小小门童。古斯塔沃为人正直,精明能干,在他的经营和组织之下,布达佩斯大饭店成为了当时首屈一指的度假胜地。古斯塔沃和年迈的D夫人(蒂尔达·斯文顿 Tilda Swinton 饰)情投意合,D夫人去世后,在遗嘱中将一副价值连城的名画留给了古斯塔沃,这一举动惹恼了她的儿子迪米特里(阿德里安·布洛迪 Adrien Brody 饰),布达佩斯大饭店和古斯塔沃的厄运就此拉开了帷幕。
1.There's really no point in doing anything in life, because it's a lover in the blink of an eye and the next thing you know, rigor mortis sets in.
2.Rudeness is merely an expression of fear
3.people think the writer's imagination is always at work, that he's constantly inventing an endless supply of incidents and episodes.
4.I was once considered a great beauty。
5.You see, there are still faint glimmers of civilization left in this barbaric slaughter house that was once known as humanity.
6.We were a very reserved group, it seemed and, without exception, solitary.
7.People fear they won't get what they want. The most dreadful and unattractive person only needs to be loved,and they will open up like a flower.