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【Message in a Bottle 瓶中信】经典对白

时间:2016-11-28 10:19:02  
来源:http://www.pinghe.com/  作者:平和英语村

   特丽莎(罗宾•莱特•潘 饰)离婚后,儿子是她的珍宝。她是一名专栏作家,为了给儿子好的生活,她工作勤劳。一天她在海边跑步的时候,捡到了一个玻璃瓶,里面竟有一封信。特丽莎深切的感受到了写信人心痛的感觉,阴差阳错之间这封信被刊登在了报纸上。读者反应热烈,为了乘胜追击,报社派出特丽莎寻找这封信的主人。 
  写信的人名叫盖瑞(凯文•科斯特纳 饰),自从妻子凯瑟琳离世之后,他每天都活在悲伤的阴影中,用信表达自己对妻子的爱意。特丽莎还是见到了这名伤心的男子,也没有告诉盖瑞她看过他写的那些瓶中信。 

瓶中信 Message in a Bottle 3.jpg

The fourth love letter
Dear atherine,
My life began when I found you and I thought it had ended when I failed to save you. l thought that hanging on to your memory was keeping us both ative. But l was wrong. A woman named Theresa showed me that if I was brave enough to open my heart, 1 could love again, no matter how terrible my grief. She made me realize I was only half-alive, It scared me and it hurt. And I didn't know how much I needed her till the night she flew away. When that airplane took off, I fett something inside me tear away. And I knew I should have stopped her. I should 've followed her home. And now tomorrow, l'm going to sail to the windy point and l'm going to say goodbye to you. Then l'm going to see this woman and see if I can win her heart.If I can, I know you'II bless me.
And bless us all.If I can't, then l'm still blesse)d because l've had the pege of loving twice in my life. She gave me that. And if I teli you I love her as much as I loved you then you 'II know the whole story. Rest rn peace, my love.



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