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时间:2021-11-28 09:07:36  
来源:平和英语村  作者:Elena





     Recently, the whole network has heatedly discussed: What is the experience of having 90 suites? How rich is it to own so many properties in a place like Shanghai? What is the source of the matter? How much is 90 suites worth? What is the identity of this Shanghai aunt?


    The cause of the incident was that Xiao Liu, a beautiful lady who worked as a sales agent in a real estate company in Songjiang District, Shanghai, received an aunt who came to sell a house a few days ago. Because there are usually many customers who buy and sell houses, Xiao Liu didn't pay much attention to it at first, thinking it was just an ordinary property for sale, but when talking with this client, the aunt said that she has 90 properties and 106 garages. Although Xiao Liu knew that there were many rich people in Shanghai, he still didn't believe it. The aunt also noticed Xiao Liu's doubts, so she logged onto the official real estate inquiry website with her mobile phone and opened it to Xiao Liu on the spot.


     Seeing the asset scene displayed by the aunt's finger sliding down the screen, Xiao Liu was stunned! So I took this video with my mobile phone and posted it to a certain platform. After the video was posted online, it was immediately followed and discussed by netizens. How rich is it to own 90 apartments in Shanghai?


      The video shows that most of this aunt's house is in Songjiang District, Shanghai. According to the inquiry, the average price of second-hand housing transactions in Songjiang District in November was 40,123 yuan per square meter. Aunt's house not only has a suite, but also a whole building, the value of which is difficult to estimate. Some netizens have roughly calculated: Assuming the average area of ​​the aunt’s real estate is 80 square meters, according to the average price of second-hand houses in Songjiang District, the value of the real estate owned by the aunt is: 90 sets × 80 square meters × average price 40123 yuan = 288885600 yuan, nearly three 100 million! That's not even 106 parking spaces!


     The identity of this aunt, who owns 90 suites, 106 parking spaces, and is worth several hundred million, has also caused many speculations among netizens.


      The video shows that the first four digits of the ID number are 3303, which is the ID number of Wenzhou, Zhejiang. The aunt should be from Wenzhou.


     Most of the houses under the name of the aunt are old houses in Songjiang District, Shanghai. Basically, it can be judged to be a "house sweeping group" from Wenzhou, Zhejiang to Shanghai. Since 1998, people in Wenzhou have keenly discovered that real estate has opportunities to make money, and housing prices will definitely rise. The first wave of crab-eaters hoarded houses in Wenzhou, and they made money quickly.



      Afterwards, they moved to Hangzhou, Shanghai, and other parts of the country. Everywhere they went, they brought a few sets of cash and bought a dozen sets. Even chartered a special plane to Shenzhen to buy a house.It is not yet known when this aunt's house bought these properties. In any case, Auntie is a real rich man! However, as the saying goes, "The wealth is not exposed", this aunt may cause some trouble to herself because of this "show off her wealth".



    The upcoming real estate tax is aimed at these wealthy people with multiple properties!



      Netizens said: Owning 90 suites, I dare not even dream of it!





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