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时间:2021-12-01 12:59:14  
来源:平和英语村  作者:Elena





      Robots can not only "live" but also "give birth"? CNN reported on November 29 that American scientists have discovered that the "alien robot", known as the world's first living robot, can reproduce itself.

     CNN report with picture: The mother body is spinning a large stem cell ball, and it is maturing into a new "special-shaped robot".

     According to the report, this "alien robot" is different from the mechanical device robot in the traditional sense. Its essence is still an organism. It is cultivated with stem cells extracted from frog embryos. The length is less than 1 millimeter, but it is much larger than microorganisms. At first, this kind of robot could not achieve "systematic reproduction". After the researchers introduced artificial intelligence technology and used a large number of calculations to deduct, they found a reproduction method suitable for "alien robots" to replicate themselves.

      The results of this research were published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The American scientist Bongard who created the robot said: “As long as they have the correct design, they will replicate spontaneously.” Once the research was published, it caused controversy. Netizens called out "We are going to die." Bongarde responded that these "alien robots" are currently stored in the laboratory and can easily be destroyed.


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