About 1000 small and mid-sized enterprises in China currently lack a collective negotiation system on wages.
Negotiation system on wages:就是指“工资协商制度”。
collective negotiation system on wages则是“工资集体协商制度”。工资集体协商,是指职工代表与企业代表依法就企业内部工资分配制度、形式、收入水平进行平等协商,并在协商一致的基础上签订工资协议。
Collective negotiation system on wages refers to such behaviors that enterprises ( representing employer) reach agreements with labor union ( representing workers) through negotiation regarding the issues of internal wage distribution mechanism, the wage distribution form, income standards and so on.
本次要出台的条例中还包括 equal pay for equal work(同工同酬)。现在社会的 wealth gap(贫富差距)不断加大,职工们都希望能够调整 income distribution(收入分配)。近年来我国在改善中低收入人口权益的措施包括上调 minimum wage standard(最低工资标准)和提高 individual income tax threshold(个税起征点)等。