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口语素材:Most memorable event

时间:2017-03-24 14:10:05  
来源:平和英语村  作者:平和英语村


Important decision I can remember an occasion when I won first prize in a singing contest. The competition was held outside the school, and we had a stage set up for each of us to sing. I really don’t think I am that good of a singer and I can remember my feeing on the stage as nervous as I was going to die. Finally my teacher taught me to pretend this was my profession. I followed her advice and thought of myself as a famous person. At last, after the song was finished I remember people were giving me quite a good applause. When my name was announced as the winner I felt like flying again. I consider it my best day because it was the first time I had ever won something and from that day on I really believed I could be the top at anything if I tried hard, and even my grades started to improve after that competition.

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