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口语素材:Foreign Country

时间:2017-03-23 13:35:40  
来源:平和英语村  作者:平和英语村


I like to live in Indonesia because I like the sunshine and beach in Bali of that country. I love sunny days because I always feel drowsy in rainy days. I’ve been to Bali several years ago, and the sunshine there really caught my eye and made me feel excited. Besides, it’s a dream place to swim and bask considering the beautiful beach, bright sunshine, clear water, and the warm weather. Finally, It well accepted that both swimming and basking are good for our mental and physical health, because while exercising in the sea and enjoying the sunshine on the beach, we are relaxing our mind at the same time. In fact, I’ve already planed to live there after I retired from my work. 

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