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时间:2016-12-26 17:37:17  
来源:平和英语村  作者:平和英语村


More than four decades after a sweeping British military withdrawal from bases “east of Suez”, the UK is scaling up its defence engagement in the Gulf and Asia in what analysts regard as a recognition of the region’s growing global importance.
Britain is reopening a naval support facility in Bahrain, creating a permanent army presence in Oman and establishing new defence staff centres in Dubai and Singapore.
RAF Typhoon jets trained with Japanese military aircraft this year; the first time Japan’s postwar air force has hosted an exercise with a nation other than the US.
And when Britain’s two new aircraft carriers are operational in a few years’ time, they will be “seen in the Pacific”, in an effort to keep sea lanes open, a senior diplomat said recently.
英国国际战略研究所亚洲分所(IISS-Asia)执行主任蒂姆?赫胥黎(Tim Huxley)表示,英国对亚洲防务介入加深反映出,该国执政的保守党希望通过全球视野而非欧洲视野来思考本国的防务角色。
This growing engagement reflects a desire in Britain’s governing Conservative party to think of the UK’s defence role in global rather than in European terms, according to Tim Huxley, executive director of IISS-Asia, the Singapore-based regional arm of the security thinktank.
英国在20世纪70年代从东南亚撤走——令时任新加坡总理李光耀(Lee Kuan Yew)感到沮丧,因为当时这个城市国家自己的武装力量正处于起步阶段——标志着该地区转向发展本国的防御力量。
Britain’s withdrawal from Southeast Asia in the 1970s, dismaying Singapore’s then prime minister Lee Kuan Yew at a time when the city-state’s own armed forces were embryonic, marked a shift in the region towards homegrown defences.
如今,新加坡拥有一只在东南亚国家中装备最精良的军队。当时,为了应对英国撤退,新加坡把国防开支增加了两倍,并与英国、马来西亚、澳大利亚和新西兰订立了一份安全联盟——亚洲五国联防(Five Power Defence Arrangements)。
Singapore, which now has the best-equipped military in Southeast Asia, tripled its defence spending in response to Britain’s exit and signed up to the Five Powers Defence Arrangements, a security tie-up with the UK, Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand.
英国在近几个月加大了军事介入力度,反映出该国在外交方面对该地区的重视;英国首相特里萨?梅(Theresa May)上任后第一次率领贸易代表团出访的对象国是印度。12月访问巴林时,梅承诺要加深与海湾国家之间的安全合作。
The UK’s revitalised military engagement in recent months reflects London’s diplomatic emphasis on the region; UK Prime Minister Theresa May’s first trade mission as premier was to India. On a visit to Bahrain in December, Mrs May pledged to deepen security co-operation with Gulf countries.
The British build-up is not overtly directed at China, a power that the UK government has worked hard to court in an effort to win Chinese investment. Instead, analysts say, Britain has sought to demonstrate its enduring military capacity on a world stage.
There is a gap, however, between Britain’s rhetoric and a military capability that has been diminished by financial constraints. The UK’s sole surviving army garrison in Asia — Brunei — is funded not by the British taxpayer but by that country’s Sultan.
The shortcomings of Britain’s campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan — including a lack of planning and shortages of vital equipment — have raised doubts about its effectiveness. The UK retains a small contingent of troops in Afghanistan, deployed in non-combat roles.


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