时间:2017-06-20 16:09:27
来源:网络 作者:平和英语村
19. Do you have any brothers or sisters? Slightly personal without requiring too much info, asking others about their family is a smart way to make connections。
19. 你有兄弟姐妹吗?有点私人,但又不会透露太多信息。询问对方的家庭能快速的和他建立起联系。
20. Have you ever met anyone famous? A brush with a famous person is always a thrill, making talking about it with a stranger a fun icebreaker。
20. 你有碰到过名人吗? 和名人擦身而过总令人兴奋,和陌生人讨论这个话题再适合不过。
21. Have you ever won anything? It feels good when you win something, so asking someone about this special moment encourages sharing。
21. 你有赢得过什么奖励吗?能赢得什么总令人开心,所以问问别人的类似经历,这有助于互相分享。
22. I like your shirt! Where did you get it? A genuine compliment makes anyone smile。
22. 我很喜欢你的衬衫,在哪买的?真诚的称赞能换来对方的笑脸。
23. I can't place this song — do you know it? Hey, even if you know the tune, asking someone else about the music playing is a simple start。
23. 我想不起来这首歌叫什么了——你知道吗? 哪怕你知道答案,问对方这个问题能轻松的让你们开始攀谈。
24. How long have you been at your job? Even at a corporate event, asking others about their job titles, roles, and how long they have been at the company breaks the ice。
24. 你在现在的工作岗位上做了几年?即使在公司活动上,询问关于职位和工作时间也是很好的开场白。
25. Tell me about something that made you laugh this week. Everyone loves a good laugh! Asking about something that brought on a chuckle makes anyone smile。
25. 告诉我这星期让你开心的事情吧。人人都爱笑!讨论点有趣的事能让人开怀一笑。
26. If you had a million dollars, what would you do with it? A bit more direct, but asking a specific question that requires thought can really make an impression。
26. 如果你有一百万美元,你会做什么?这问题有点直接,不过这种需要思考的问题通常能给人留下印象。
27. How are you today? Sure, this is a no-brainer question, but it gets people talking。
27. 今天怎么样?好吧,这问题有点没水准,但总能让人说点什么。
28. Where is the best place you have ever visited? Taking a vacation is always wonderful. Asking someone new about a favorite destination is always an easy way to start talking。
28. 你去过最赞的地方是哪?假期绝对是个好话题,而问人们最喜欢的地方让谈话很容易就开始。
29. Did you hear about (something trending in the news)? Pick something pretty generic, remembering to stay away from politics and religion, and the conversation will get rolling。
29. 你听说了(当下热点事件)吗?挑一点比较大众的问题,记住不要提起政治和宗教,这样对话就会开始了。
30. So, what's your story? OK, this one is borderline pick-up line, but it's also a direct approach for chatting。
30. 你有什么经历分享?这个开场白不要轻易采用,不过也不失为一个让对方开口的方法。
31. This place is awesome! Have you been here before? Complimenting the venue is a positive way to chat with others.
31. 这地方太棒了!你以前来过这吗?称赞场地也是打开话匣子的好方法。
32. If you could be an animal, what would you be and why? Just don't roar after asking! This question is also a fun and light way to break the ice。
32. 如果你能成为一种动物,你会做什么,为什么?问完问题以后,千万别大笑。这是个有趣又轻松的话题。
33. If you could invite a famous person over for dinner, who would it be? Also an often-used convo starter, this question has lasted the test of time, which makes it a winner anywhere, anytime。
33. 如果你可以邀请一位名人共进晚餐,你会邀请谁?同样是个经典问题,但毕竟经过时间的考验,在任何时间,任何地点都是适用的。
34. What's your favorite holiday? Open and generic, a basic question is an easy way to start mingling。
34. 你最喜欢什么节日?普通的问题最能开始一段对话。
35. What's the craziest thing you've ever eaten? Here's another fun question that gets people talking! And it's a great question to use when you feel awkward joining a group that's already chatting。
35. 你吃过的最不可思议的东西是什么?这又是个让人说话的有趣问题!当别人已经在讨论时,这个问题能帮你化解尴尬。
36. What is one thing you couldn't live without? Wine? Chocolate? Bread? There's no wrong answer to this question, which makes it another winner。
36. 离开了什么你就无法生活?酒?巧克力?面包?这个问题没有固定答案,这也是为什么这是个好问题的原因了。