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时间:2021-11-23 09:09:33  
来源:平和英语村  作者:Elena


      The nomination of the chairman of the Federal Reserve was finally confirmed, and the financial market was too volatile. The Nasdaq fell sharply, gold plunged, U.S. bond yields jumped, and bank stocks were also "carnival".

       Biden spoke quickly, bluntly saying that the nomination of Powell would help policy continuity. Powell also made a quick speech, again emphasizing the control of inflation.

There was also big news in the crude oil market. There was a big bad news late at night. Foreign media broke the news that the United States may soon announce the release of its strategic oil reserves and will also join forces with Japan, India and other countries.
  提名鲍威尔,拜登火发声 “有助于政策连续性”Powell nominates, Biden speaks out "Helping policy continuity"
  当地时间本周一,美国总统拜登宣布提名杰罗姆 鲍威尔连任美国联邦储备委员会主席。目前,这一提名仍待国会批准,若提名获国会参议院批准,鲍威尔将于2022年2月开启第二个4年任期。
Local time this Monday, US President Biden announced the nomination of Jerome Powell as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board. Currently, this nomination is still pending approval by Congress. If the nomination is approved by the Senate of Congress, Powell will start a second four-year term in February 2022.

  当天,就这一提名,拜登火速发声。On the day of this nomination, Biden spoke quickly.

      Biden emphasized the importance of controlling inflation in his speech. He said that inflation is a worldwide problem affecting gasoline and food. Supply chain bottlenecks cause prices to rise.

       Biden believes that in dealing with these challenges, perhaps no institution plays a more important role than the Federal Reserve

       He pointed out that achieving these goals requires patience, skill and independence. Powell's firm and decisive leadership stabilized the market.

       He also emphasized that at this moment of great potential and uncertainty, we need the Fed to maintain stability. I think a Fed leader who has the support of both parties is very important. We need to maintain the public’s trust in the Fed.

     Regarding Brainard, who was nominated for vice chairman, Biden said that Brainard is a staunch supporter of financial regulation. Brainard has done pioneering work on climate risk.

     Biden also said that he will continue to nominate candidates for the Fed’s governing body in the next few weeks, including the vice chairman responsible for bank supervision. He believes that the new candidates will bring different perspectives and will also bring to the Fed. Diversity.

       Biden also mentioned in his speech that we still have a long way to go to fully recover from the epidemic. The epidemic is pushing up costs for American families. We will still face severe challenges
     But Biden also pointed out that the balance sheets of American households have also become better. Even taking inflation into account, rising wages and epidemic relief have increased the disposable income of middle-class families by 2%. Our economy is creating "many new businesses". After years of flat wage levels, we have seen higher wage levels.


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