时间:2018-09-27 18:41:35 来源:http://www.pinghe.com 作者:平和英语村
We work out regularly to keep fit.
Health is better than wealth.
我很健康 I am quite fit.
我今天不大舒服 I don‘t feel well today.
我生病了 I am sick. I am ill. I feel terrble.
病入膏肓 I am very ill.
你怎么了? What's bothering you?
我得了重感冒 I’ve got a bad cold.
看医生 see the doctor 住院 go to hospital
女儿 daughter
感冒 cold 重感冒 bad cold 流感 flu
发烧 fever 咳嗽 cough 头疼 headache
SARS=severe acute respiratory syndrome
WHO 国际卫生组织 World Health Organization
public health 公共卫生
I went to see my doctor for a medical check-up.
体检 check-up
做体检 have a check-up
I had a check-up last week.
What did the doctor say?
The doctor said I am a little over weight.
weight 体重
hight 身高
over weight 超重
under weight 体重不足
lose some weight 减肥
put on some weight 增加体重
You look pale these days. You should take your health more seriously.
You look pale. 你看起来气色不好。
You look great today.
You look tired.
You look happy.
You look excited.
I’ve got a fever, so I take sick leave today.
sick leave 病假
home leave 探亲假
I have watery eyes and a running nose.
医生 doctor
内科医生 physician
外科医生 surgeon
牙医 dentist
护士 nurse
勤杂工人 handyman
病人 patient
医院 hospital
诊所 clinic
I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow morning.
If you want to be healthy, you have to stop smoking cigarettes.
If you want to be healthy, you have to do some exercise.
If you want to improve your spoken English, you have to open your mouth and practice again and again.
think loudly 自言自语
She gave me a chest X-ray and took my blood pressure.
X光射线 x-ray
胸透 chest X-ray
流血 It‘s bleeding.
血压 blood pressure
血型 blood type
验血 blood test
献血 blood donation
输血 bood transfusion
体温 temperature
量体温 take one‘s temperature
号脉 feel the pulse
The doctor wrote out a prescription for me.
开药方 write a prescription
I have to take these pills every six hours.
pill 药丸 tablet 药片 capsule 胶囊
lotion 药液 cream 药膏 painkiller 止疼药
TCM 中药 traditional Chinese medicine
打针 shot 打点滴 infusion
送到医院治疗 be hospitalized
急救 first aid
手术 operation major operation minor operation
It‘s just a mosquito bite. Nothing to worry about.
mosquito 蚊子
fly 苍蝇
Let‘s have a bite. 让我们随便吃点东西。
Nothing to worry about. = Take it easy. 不要担心。
头痛 headache
胃痛 stomachache
耳朵痛 earache
背痛 backache
Frank is in hospital. We hope he will get better soon.