平和英语村 > 学在平和 > 村干货


时间:2018-03-15 14:44:46  来源:http://www.pinghe.com  作者:Myron



学了十几年英语,可看美剧不开字幕还是看不懂?即使打开字幕,却依然不知道好多短语什么意思?接触外国人,完全听不懂他们在讲啥……说的是你吗?想说地道英语,先把以下这些常用习语拿下,让你离 native speaker 更近一步!


1.    Blew me away 惊艳到我了

释义:When something blows you away, you’re extremely impressed by it.

例句:The exhibition just blew me away. I ‘d never seen so many beautiful painting before.这个展览真的惊艳到我了,我从未见过这么多漂亮的画作。


2.    Blow smoke 夸大其词

释义:to exaggerate or say things that aren’t true to make you seem better / more knowledgeable that in reality

例句:I am not blowing smoke. I have honestly read War and Peace by Tolstoy. 我没有夸大其词,我真的读了托尔斯泰的《战争与和平》。


3.    Cry wolf 虚张声势,谎言欺人

释义:to call for help when you don’t need it.

例句:Do you think Peter is in trouble or is he just crying wolf ? 你觉得Peter是真的陷入麻烦了,还是只是虚张声势?


4.    Be chuffed to bits 超级开心

释义:to be pleased and happy

例句:Hey, thanks for the present! I’m chuffed to bits 嘿,谢谢你的礼物!我真的超级开心


5.    Couldn’t care less 毫不关心,关我什么事

释义:used to express total lack of interest in something

例句:That man stole a bottle of wine from the shop

         Oh, really? I couldn’t care less


        - 哦,是吗?关我什么事。


6.    Feeling under the weather 不舒服,不在状态

释义:to be ill or unable to do regular activities

例句:I think I’m going to have to take the day off work, I feel quite under the weather today. 我觉得今天要请假了,我感觉真的很不舒服。


7.    Be tickled pink 惊喜万分,受宠若惊

释义:to be excited and happy

例句:She was tickled pink by all the compliments she’d received. 她对人们对她的赞许,感到受宠若惊。


8.    A baker’s dozen. 十三


例句:Check out our baker’s dozen language learning tips 去看一下我们的13条语言学习小贴士。


9.    Comfort food 吃起来有幸福感的美食

释义:food that makes you feel better, because it reminds you of your childhood

例句:After a tiring day, it’s so nice to make some comfort food and settle down with a good book. 在一天的劳累过后,能吃点让我感到幸福的美食,读一本好书,简直太棒了。


10.  Skeleton crew 骨干人员数,人员数精简至极

释义:the minimum number of people needed to keep a service/office operating.

例句:can you come back after the holidays? We are operating with a skeleton crew at the moment. 假期之后你可以回来吗?我们现在的人员已经精简至极了。


11.  Let the chips fall where they may. 顺其自然,随它去吧

释义:to let something happen, no matter what happens next

例句:I must tell John how I feel about him, let the chips fall where they may. 我必须告诉John我对他的感觉,剩下的就顺其自然吧。


12.  No-brainer 一个很容易的决定

释义:an easy decision

例句:-Do you think I should propose to Judy?

          -Come on, it is a no-brainer. She is such a fantastic woman!











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