4. Does Farting Burn Calories? Monthly Searches: 49,500
4. 月搜索量达4万9500次的问题是:放屁能燃烧卡路里么?
Wouldn’t it be great if you could burn calories from passing wind? Unfortunately, the claim that it burns 67 calories are false.
5. When Will I Die? Monthly Searches: 49,500
5. 月搜索量达4万9500次的问题:我什么时候会死?
Who knew Google was now able to foretell the future?
6. Why Do Men Have Nipples? Monthly Searches: 22,200
6. 月搜索量为2万2200次的问题:为什么男人们有乳头?
We all know they have them but it seems a fairly large number of people each month waste a little bit of time trying to find out why men have nipples!
7. Do Penguins Have Knees? Monthly Searches: 18,100
7. 月搜索量达1万8100次的问题:企鹅有膝盖么?
Does it really matter whether or not penguins have knee?
8. Why Are We Here? Monthly Searches: 8,100
Getting a little philosophical now, aren’t we?
9. Is The Tooth Fairy Real? Monthly Searches: 8,100
9. 月搜索量为8100次的问题是:牙仙是真真切切存在的么?
This is a little bit like asking if Santa is real… of course the tooth fairy is real! You’ve always had a coin left under your pillow in return for a tooth haven’t you?
10. Do Pigs Sweat? Monthly Searches: 8,100
10. 月搜索量为8100次的问题是:猪会流汗么?
Why, oh why, would anyone care or even want to know whether or not pigs sweat?
11. Does My Bum Look 40? Monthly Searches: 8,100
11. 月搜索量为8100次的问题是:我的腚看着有40么?
‘Of course it doesn’t!’ is the answer over 8,000 women each month want Google to tell them when asking whether their bum looks.
12. Is The World Flat? Monthly Searches: 5,400
12. 月搜索量达5400次的问题是:世界是平的么?
Did these people not study geography at school?
13. Am I A Psycho? Monthly Searches: 5,400
13. 月搜索量为5400次的问题是:我是神经病么?
Good old ‘Dr Google’ strikes again… this time, in the guise of a psychiatrist.
14. Why Won’t My Car Start? Monthly Searches: 4,400
14. 月搜索量达4400次的问题是:为什么我的汽车不能发动了?
And now Google’s disguised itself as mechanic…
15. Do Men Have Periods? Monthly Searches: 3,600
15. 月搜索量为3600次的问题是:男人们会来姨妈么?
So it seems that the same people who paid no attention in geography at school also failed biology?
16. Do Worms Have Eyes? Monthly Searches: 2,900
16. 月搜索量达2900次的问题是:蚯蚓有眼睛么?
Does it really matter if worms have eyes?
17. Can A Men Get Pregnant? Monthly Searches: 2,900
17. 月搜索量达2900次的问题是:男人能怀孕么?
What on earth are they teaching (or not teaching as the case may be) kids in school these days?
18. What Happens If You Drink Blood? Monthly Searches: 880
18. 月搜索量为880次的问题是:饮血的后果会是什么?
We can only assume that Twilight is to blame for almost a thousand winnable vampires each month wondering about the safety of drinking blood!