平和英语村 > 学在平和 > 学员习作

Use wise way to do work

时间:2007-03-22 00:00:00  来源:平和学员  作者: 方荣辉Bruce

简述 :Should you do every possible way you can to 
satisfy your hunger for something? 
Ahy or why not? Justify your answer.

    (编者:上述问题,是老师Dulce 给出的随笔问题,让同学们根据提问,作出自己的选择,并给予论证,以下便是学员方荣辉的习作)   

                                            Use wise way to do work

 方荣辉Bruce Fang

老师 Dulce  level 4B 


When I was a child, in my eyes, once I started to do something, I would stick to it till it is completed smoothly. I changed my mind when I began study economics. When I made a decision to do something, I always compare the benefit and the cost. If the benefit exceeds the cost, I will give up to do it.


I don’t want to be an adamant person.


When you do every possible way you can to satisfy your hunger for something.


Like you wanted to become a famous person, a rich person or have higher power. Maybe it’s impossible to achieve. Sometimes, it will hurt your physical health.


When you suffer too much frustration ,the chance of success is very limited. It will stand in the way of career success. Maybe you will do something against the moral. This is the most serious problem. So, you should know how to give up.



The resources for people use are limited. When we choose to do something, at the same time, we must give up other chances. We always face tradeoffs in our life. Hence, we need to understand the options that we have available so that we can achieve higher benefit with lower cost.


I want to become a rational person. When I take an action , I try to make the maximum benefit and the minimum cost . If and only if the cost of the action exceeds the benefit . I never do every possible way I can to satisfy my hunger for something.



Level (4B)  老师Dulce   

Cathy郑雁 英语录入/Myron 陈立明译编 


Girlie(4A) Dulce(4B) Mary(5A) Bruce(5B) 

   学习周期 4学期8周。






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