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Rather be intelligent and stupid

时间:2007-03-24 00:00:00  来源:平和学员  作者:肖艳丹 Violet

简述 : No one wants to be called “ugly duck” 
and stupid. This is human nature. 
But when making a decision between intelligence 
and stupidity, of course, I would choose the former.

                    Rather be intelligent and stupid

                              Violet Xiao level 7A


  首度获奖,老师们 和我齐飞泪

It is a truth universally acknowledged that men and women in possession of a great intelligence must be in want of beauty. No one wants to be called “ugly duck” and stupid. This is human nature. But when making a decision between intelligence and stupidity, of course, I would choose the first one.


To begin whit, there are many privileges provided for the intelligent man than the stupid. There are many cases to illustrate my point. For instance, two men are going to have whatever kinds of interview, the interviewer would leave the chances to the intelligent man.



Companies acquire skilled and versatile men, because they can bring more benefits for their companies. Another thing in common is that the intelligent men definitely can make a larger circle of friends than the stupid men do.


 The plausible reason is that the intelligent men can tide their friends over when they are in difficulties. But for the stupid men is quite the opposite, they can only make your life into a mess.


 However, this is not always the whole story. In some ways, ugliness can be a pecial guard when you are working on the black and dark street, for the ugly men will not attract the attention of gangsters. But for the beautiful men, the situation could be totally different, they might be robbed or extorted by gangsters.



Compare with the stupid and intelligent, beautiful and ugly. I would rather be the former kind. Because beauty can not bring you a large fortune, in time, the outside beauty will be gone. In real life, I should bring myself back to reality.




她的主课老师和所在的班级为:Faye(2A)、Roger(2B)、Michelle(2C)、Maggie(3B)、Jimmy(3C)、Raenette/Amy(4A)、Eva(4C)、Tom F(5A)


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