平和英语村 > 学在平和 > 学员习作

Letter to Eva

时间:2007-05-31 00:00:00  来源:平和学员  作者:John Cai

Dear Eva,

I am in GuangDong Foreign Trade Foreign Language University now, I study English here and it will end August 8 th . Later I will stay in ShenZhen for a few days to meet clients, and friends,then I will go back to Taizhou City In Zhejiang to work .

Every day I stick to reading English loudly about 1 hour and watch an English Movie at nigh. I am full of confidence in learning English now I will keep on thinking reading writing speaking and listening in English tens of minutes, everyday. There are lots of choices about English used in society and I hope I can use english more frequently.

I knew you traveled Guangxi last month, in July, when you taught us in level 5 in room 13, and the most fortunate for us was that you Eva, and Kelly and Ed became our main teachers in the section.

I wish you more happy experiences for you in China . Here is my suggestion. I think that you could learn Chinese quickly if you could pull your way on learning Chinese language because you are an expert in English Language.

I will treasure the spirit in GlV. It is full of understanding , and there are lovely and exciting and activities around you. We students Miss u after we go home.

Thank you,
John Cai




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