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I learned Chinese in Zhuhai

时间:2008-08-06 00:00:00  来源:平和教师  作者:Carol

简述 :Carol , who came from the USA, is one of the popular teachers at GLV. 
She used to have her own company and has lots of business experience. 
She is interested in traveling, reading, current events and Chinese culture.

She has a TEFL certificate and has begun to take Chinese courses. She believes this is another important turning point of her life.

I learned  Chinese in Zhuhai


18 May 2005


      I woke up early Monday morning on February 14, 2005 excited about attending my first class in Gateway Language Village 's Total Immersion Chinese Program. I had been in China for just a year and had picked up a little Chinese, but felt that if I could speak more Chinese I would be able to better understand the country and the people. I had two weeks off from my English teaching job and decided rather than traveling around Asia during the Chinese New Year I would immerse myself in the Chinese language.





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