平和英语村 > 学在平和 > 学员习作

Making Expected Progress

时间:2007-07-17 00:00:00  来源:平和学员  作者:Jane Chen

I think the biggest problem for every student is making as much progress as everyone had hoped. The Peace Club does already have some useful methods. Even after graduating you can continue to further your English at home.

First, speak English only. Every student plays an important part on our team. It is necessary and good for both you and the others on our team. It is really hard for everyone to speak English all the time, but it is really helpful if you do.
Perhaps you will lose confidence rapidly when you confront classmates who can speak fluent English at will.

Second, think in English, even in your dreams. Dreaming in English will leave you very tired, but you will feel so happy for achieving progress.

Third, continue to listen to unclear or long sentences until you can understand. In addition, it is also helpful to attend different kinds of activities in our club. Our club has many useful ways to help every student. You will find the most suitable way from the existing experience, and maybe later you'll make progress which will be surprising even to yourself.

After studying for some time on our team, almost everyone will feel she 's gotten something. To me, the progress I have made is the most fantastic thing to keep my interest in learning English.




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