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It/'s not where you came from, it/'s where you are going

时间:2007-07-17 00:00:00  来源:平和学员  作者:Kitty Zhu

Looking at this topic, I feel it is too complicated and deep for me to talk about. I am just 17 years old, I never thought about this question before. On the other hand, I am already 17 years old, it is old enough to think about some questions deeply, such as It's not where you came from, it's where you are going. This statement sounds like a philosophical principal. Most of my classmates thought about religion, but im my, a teenager's opinion, I treat this statement simply.

    When we first introduce ourselves to someone, we always say "I come from here, my native place is here, my birthplace is here". Actually I think these statements do not make any sense. Your hometown cannot say anything about you. You were born in the same town as Chaitman Mao's, this does not mean you will be a chairman, right? Mo matter which city or countryside you come from, you must walk you own way by yourself. Your parents gave you life but it is controlled by you. You must decide where you are going, Yesterday has become history. We live in today. If we have no goal for what we should do tomorrow then tomorrow will be the same as yesterday. Somthing bad happens to you, do not live in sadness for a long time. The past thing, let it pass away. Do not look back and always regret your mistakes. Do not give up, do not stop trying, set a dream quickly, then try your best to make it come true. Do not always remember what kind of success you have achieved, think about how you must succeed in more aspects. Do not lose your direction when you focus on one thing.

    No matter what you did before, make your future better, this is most important. Do not care where you came from so much, pay more attention to where you are going, do not live in confusion.




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