平和英语村 > 学在平和 > 学员习作

Appearance or Truth

时间:2007-07-17 00:00:00  来源:平和学员  作者:Aaron Weng

I read two articles recently. One article said the Bush government would recruit millions of U.S citizens as domestic spies and informants; the ratio (4%) is similar to the one which was employed by the former East German Stasi police. Another article said the Bush administration planned to stop foreign students on the U.S. studying " sensitive" academic course and asked universities to monitor their student's activities. All of these were caused by the september11 terrorist attack. The government wants to sacrifice the public's freedom, which is the root of America's success during the past 200 years, to ensure they can have more safety. But, it is definitely wrong.

     In fact, the reason why so many other countries people hate America is because the American government is too arrogant and selfish. She often broke international rules without any excuses. If we want to solve a problem, we must find out the root of the problem and get the specific and right way to solve it. Otherwise, we will be in trouble. For instance, my father died form lung cancer. At the beginning, the fingers of right hand were not so flexible. He went to see the doctors in Shenzhen and Guangzhou; all of these doctors diagnosed his illness as a pain in the back. After half a year's treatment. it turned worse. So we went to Shanghai and found there was a tumour at the top of his lung, but it was too late.

    So, the lesson teaches us that we must figure out the truth when we face an issue. Don't be deceived by appearances




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