平和英语村 > 学在平和 > 学员习作

Show My True Feelings

时间:2008-07-25 00:00:00  来源:平和网友  作者:范军成

简述 :随缘和积极,看起来是不同的两种生活态度,其实,不然。随缘,随遇为安是一种务实也是一种平和;而积极,为自己努力营造阳光的生活和学习氛围,享受其中,也是务实与平和。朋友可遇不可求,就是道理。无论对待师长还是朋友。随缘,是一种平衡,更是一种平和。

感谢网友范军成从网上投来他的几则英语小品文,叙说了他面对高考失利,如何面对自己,在英语学习的路上找到新座标的内心独白。本网站给予发表,并附有译文,同时也把样稿发给作者,请他指正。很感谢作者给编辑发回来他的自译版《心灵之声》 ,为鼓励学习和交流,两个版本同时并列,供读者分享。


                       Show My True Feelings





        In the reality, few companion is learning English with me, but I'm not lonely. Because: 
      The supreme happiness of the life is the conviction that we are loved!
      English learning makes me get to know many net-friends.
      English learning makes me and net-friends of different places together.
      English learning makes me near to them.
      No road is long with a good company!
      I am leading a simple life, but I am wealthy in spirit!
      I am not handsome ,but I have a lot of good friends!
      I am moved everyday:My teachers, classmates and good net-friends, I think that anything they do for me is moving!
      I have lots of net-friends who is beyond 30 years old! We have no generation gap! They are very honest, and often leave messages for encouraging me work hard! They always open their hearts to me because I always show my true feelings to them! We do our best help each other for our common goal--Learning English Better! When they were told that I will take the band 4 English test, they encouraged me and taught me how to review! Much more moving, one of them sent me some books about English learning for free! I was really moved to tears then! I am so lucky! I really thank them all! So I must learn English well and never let them down!!
      I hope them happy everyday!
      Blessings on them and love them forever!!


                                         真情流露  (-)




※ 隐私声明
