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GLV is our home

时间:2007-11-08 00:00:00  来源:平和学生  作者:Lucy Liu

简述 :GLV is a big family. All the teachers and students come from all parts of the world.


GLV is our home


Lucy Liu




   My Classmates 

      Because I haven’t experience in a foreign company now I tell my feels in GLV. Today is the third day I came to GLV. I am finding I begin to enjoying everything.


GLV is a big family. All the teachers and students come from all parts of the world. Everyone has a different custom. Everyone has a different attitude for the same thing. However, everyone is friendly and equal.


Teachers have got a big smile and they make new students comfortable. They are very easy to get along with. When I had difficult understanding TV program and felt anxious, Jeff game me encourage and let me calm.


At GLV, It is maybe normal for student to gain “one peace dollar.” But I think the first “peace dollar” is very important for everyone.



              Confident on the Stage

Today I got the first which made me excited. I know I have built more confidence.


I am going to find a new job in a foreign company. I think something is very important. They are kindly, helpful, cooperative, and respect each other. Although different country has own culture, the above things are same.

I try my best to study at GLV and I hope tomorrow is better.




Lucy Liu所在班级和老师:Joanna(5C),Kevin(5B),Sarah Marie(5A)




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