平和英语村 > 学在平和 > 学员习作

Something About Education

时间:2008-05-03 00:00:00  来源:平和英语  作者:Herry Huang

简述 :学员命题作文:Children should be educated at school.




Herry Huang


May 3 th, 2008



        When the children are educated at home. They can learn what they are interested in. It is a perfect way to explore the potentiality of children. There is one news:” The I Q of boy is very high. He can learn the knowledge very quickly. When his father who is a teacher in university realized that. He taught his son at home instead of going to school. When he was 14 years old, he passed the university entrance exam. Usually we can enter university once we are 18 years old according to education system of our country.


It is good example that children whose I Q is high taught at home. But there are only few of children who’s IQ are very high. There are only a few of parents who have good education. If the parents are illiterate or they can’t find the potentiality of the children, how can they educate their children at home? We can assume that a child who stays at home and studies alone, he never joins activity with other children. So he is lack of communication skills, he doesn’t know how to get along with other people, when we finish education, most of us will work and we will work in a team. If we don’t know how to cope with relationship with out colleagues, we cannot work well.


So my opinion is that children should be educated at school. At school they not only can learn knowledge but also can be educated how to be a good person.




Herry Huang




We are in a happy family







翻译:彭 志 Rambler Peng

编辑:郑雁  Cathy Zheng

录入上传:夏 滢 Shining Xia




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