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Every Possible Way to Achieve Your Goal

时间:2009-11-24 00:00:00  来源:平和英语  作者:Owen Tang

简述 :学员命题作文:Should you do every possible way you can to satisfy your hunger for something?Why not? That is my answer.

Every Possible Way to Achieve Your Goal


Owen Tang


May 3, 2008


11 arhats

        Should you do every possible way you can to satisfy your hunger for something?


Why not? That is my answer.


first of all, hunger is the source of being ambitions and being great. You must find out what you want to get and what you want to be, then just do it, try every possible way to do it, never give up until you achieve your goal .Remember you can do it!


Undoubtedly, you will encounter lots of difficulties in process it, you strike to fulfill your dream. You might fail at the beginning and might be depressed. What are you supposed to do? You might be afraid that people will laugh at you if you try again. So you give up? “Hi, you are a loser.” Remember, nobody wants to make friends with a loser.


Be careful!!!

        Every one is a unique individual of the society, you hang up try all possible ways to achieve your goal, which undoubtedly will make you happy and satisfied .Ever finally you fail because of some objective factors, what is the deal? You have tried every way you can to achieve your goal. I am sure that you can learn lots of meaningful things from what you have and win people’s recognition. That is invaluable!


It is a positive attitude of life that you do every possible way you can to satisfy your hunger of what you want.


So, why not?




Owen Tang汤军辉






为何不? 这就是我的回答。



    首先,渴望是树立雄心大志的源泉。你必须明白你想做什么,要成为怎 么样的人。然后,尽一切可能去做,去拼搏。绝不放弃一直到你达到自己的目标。记住!你一定能做到。


无容置疑,在你追逐实践你梦想的这个过程中,你会遭遇到很多的困 难。一开始,你可能会失败因此而沮丧。你应该怎么做?你也许会因为害怕别人的嘲笑而不再努力。因此你放弃么?“你是一个失败者。”记住,没有人会和一个不求上进的人交朋友。


每个人都是这个社会不可分割的一分子,无容置疑你会努力的尝试各种 办法去达到让你自己感到自豪的目标。就算最后因为某些客观因素你失败了,那又怎么样呢?你已经很努力的尝试你能做的一切去完成你的目标了。我相信你会在这个过程中学到很多有意义的事情同时也会因此得到人们的赏识。这是无价之宝。






任课老师:Dulce(6D),Aki(6C),Sarah Marie(5C),Bruce(5B),Robert(5A),Mohan(4C)


翻译:彭 志 Rambler Peng

编辑:郑雁  Cathy Zheng

录入上传:夏 滢 Shining Xia




※ 隐私声明
