平和英语村 > 学在平和 > 学员习作

Life in GLV

时间:2008-09-21 00:00:00  来源:平和英语  作者:William Wood

简述 :With its unique teaching methods called “total immersion experience”, GLV was an 
attraction for me and also those who wanted to improve their communication skills.


Life in GLV


William Wood 吴越


May 28th, 2008



(右一)William 的招牌笑容

       April 19th, in a train to Guangzhou, I was wondering what GLV would be like. Several days ago, I had searched the Internet and found a lot of information about this school. With its unique teaching methods called “total immersion experience”, GLV was an attraction for me and also those who wanted to improve their communication skills. Filled with wonderful imagination and high expectation, I arrived here in April 20th with my friend Elaine.


This famous school turned out to be inside one building without campus, therefore we felt a bit disappointed. But when we walked inside, we were soon attracted and impressed by its unordinary atmosphere, because all we saw, all we heard was only English, and thus all we could feel was English too. Then we new students were distributed with keys to the dormitories and were led to visit around this school. We also took oral and listening tests and would be divided into different levels accordingly the next day. From that day on, I started my life in GLV as a student.



        The most unique rule in GLV is “English Only” without doubt. In order to make sure that this rule can be carried out, GLV has a strict punishment system. At first I felt disappointed about the size of the school, but only after a few days did I truly understand and realize that the smaller other school was, the better atmosphere in English we could enjoy.


In each class there were not too many students, 10 to 12, therefore everyone had more opportunities to express his own idea in English, which was definitely helpful. Besides fixed skill-based class in the morning, we had various kinds of electives in the afternoon and evening; therefore we could make our own schedules and try different teachers as a result. We were also provided with many choices in spare time, such as computer, movie and self-study etc. The living condition in Hongda Garden was also over my expectation. With a TV, a washing machine, an AC, a fridge and even a microwave oven, I had a comfortable time living here. Later I figured out that we also had cleaning services everyday, what a paradise! As I mentioned above, all these things make our study time as well as spare time colorful.



       Beside regular courses, we also had weekly activities, which were even more interesting. Every Friday afternoon, there was a presentation in the main hall, and students would present something is form of classes. We were all looking forward to it. Also in Saturday, we would have outdoor activities, so it was a chance to use English in a real world, much better than in a classroom. It’s wise of GLV to hold such activities.


I really enjoyed studying and living here, and the wonderful memories here will never fade away. If several years later when I review this composition, my memories can still be fresh, my purpose of writing this composition is reached.




William Wood 吴越






       4月19日,在通往广州的火车上,我在想平和会是一个什么样子的学校。几天前,我在互联网上搜索并找到了这个学校的很多信息。平和学校的独特教学方法:浸泡式纯英语教学,深深的吸引了我和许多想提高他们会话能力的人们。带着美好的愿望和崇高的期待,我和我的朋友  Elaine, 4月20日来到平和。





    毫无疑问,在平和,最特别就是纯英语这个规定。为了 保证平和的这个规则的落实,平和有非常严厉惩罚系统。开始的我对平和学校规模的小而有点失望,但是,经过几天的学习,我真正明白了,学校规模虽然小,可是我们更能够体验它的更完好的英语环境。





    除了正常的课程,我们还有每周一次很多活动,也很精彩!每星期五下午,在学校大厅,我们有一个学生表演节目,学生们都会表演在班上准备好的节目.我们都 非常的期待。星期六,我们也有户外活动,这是一个能把学到的英语应用到真实生活中去的一个好机会,比在课堂理还好。举办这么多有用的活动,平和真的太聪明了!!!







翻译:彭志  Rambler Peng

编辑:郑雁  Cathy Zheng

录入上传:夏 滢 Shining Xia




※ 隐私声明
