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Knowledge is endless

时间:2009-09-15 00:00:00  来源:平和英语  作者:Leo Chen陈雪

简述 :The more I know, the more I realize I know little.


Knowledge is endless


Leo Chen





    The more I know, the more I realize I know little. Knowledge is endless. No one can know all the knowledge in the world. We keep learning from birth to death. The moment that we are dying. We also can learn something.


Knowledge is like a balloon. Every time, you learning something, is like you blow up the balloon. The more you know, the balloon is bigger. The balloon’s surface area is bigger. It means that you teach the unknown area which is getting bigger. It makes you feel know little. There is another deep meaning of this sentence. “The more I know, the more I realize I know little.” It means the more I have learned, the more I should be humble, because I have to learn more.



    There is a neighbor in my hometown. The neighbor who is 15-years-old is a master of TaiJi. When I went to school every morning during my childhood. He was doing morning exercises in the yard. There were many people who followed him to learn TaiJi. He is a knowledge man. People told him about it, but he didn’t agree. He always said he needs to learn more. He always teaches us his knowledge. He said: every are should be honest, should be modest, and never be proud of simple success. In his free time, he studies painting and writing.


Knowledge is endless, also, study is endless. We should keep studying until the day that we can’t do it.




编辑上传:夏 滢 Shining Xia




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