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Participation in class discussion in English is a problem(三)

时间:2009-09-16 00:00:00  来源:平和英语  作者:Tiger Li李进取

简述 :Finally, believe that show communication and 
the style of Chinese education make participation
 in class discussion in English is difficult for Chinese students.


Participation in class discussion in English is a problem(三)


Tiger Li





    It’s a problem for Chinese students to participate in English class discussion, because their ability to communicate in English is slow and because the Chinese education has not prepared them for discussion. Firstly, Chinese students need a longer time to communicate with others because their ability to speak in and listen to English is not sufficient.


It’s necessary for them to have some time to translate what they think into Chinese and what they want to express into English, it’s also takes them a long time to look for the right words. A long time is also needed for them to improve English and overcome their fear of making mistakes. What’s more, their experience in Chinese school makes them always keep silent in class.


Chinese student are like machines that collect information for their teachers and write it down in their notebooks, what Chinese students need to do is to remember knowledge and ideas that have been prepared by their teacher before hand.


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    There is also no time for them to have discussion with each other in class in Chinese school. This means that they don’t develop their habit of participation in class discussions, even in Chinese. Furthermore, if they have different opinions and want to discuss these, the teacher might interrupt and have them punished.


Finally, believe that show communication and the style of Chinese education make participation in class discussion in English is difficult for Chinese students.




编辑上传:夏 滢 Shining




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