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Participation in class discussion in English is a problem(六)

时间:2010-01-04 00:00:00  来源:平和英语  作者:Sherry You由力

简述 :In conclusion, Chinese students need to try 
their best to improve their language skills and 
practice the ability of expressing themselves. 
Only by doing this can they overcome the 
dilemma of discussion in English in the classroom?


Participation in class discussion in English is a problem(六)


Sherry You





    As non-native English speakers, most students suffer participating in discussion sessions due to their limited listening and poor speaking skills. It is obvious that comprehending the main topic is the first step in starting a discussion. Good listening skills enable Chinese students to understand the content of discussion and so that they can find direction in following the main ideas. Sadly, they cannot do it without good listening.


However, it is not enough for the students just to have an ability to listen well. The ability to speak out is also crucial for the students to fully take part in discussion. At first, some Chinese students cannot speak out in a appropriate way, even though they understand the topic.


Also, some Chinese students tend to express their opinions by chinglish instead of English. As a result, other students cannot understand their meaning clearly. Therefore, the poor ability of listening and speaking has became a barrier for Chinese students in participating a English class discussion.



    The totally different education system and parent style in China compared with western counties also hampers Chinese students’ efforts to join in with discussion. Firstly, Chinese students are more familiar with lectures. Because of this, they used to receive education that mostly belonged to a force-feeling style. As a result, in the past, they seldom got the opportunity to express their thoughts in discussion. Earlier parenting styles also discouraged students from expressing their ideas. Chinese parents always told them how to do things rather than how to think. Consequence, since they lack of the practice in expressing themselves, they definitely find it difficult to express their opinions in the discussion classes, especially in a language that is not their native tongue.


In conclusion, Chinese students need to try their best to improve their language skills and practice the ability of expressing themselves. Only by doing this can they overcome the dilemma of discussion in English in the classroom?  




编辑上传:夏 滢 Shining Xia




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