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“we see the world not on what it is, but no who are .”

时间:2009-09-16 00:00:00  来源:平和英语  作者:Robert Liang梁明新

简述 :“we see the world not on what it is, but no who are .”Scholastic adage said. I like this statement. 
This reminds me of the famous philosopher Aristotle said, “Happiness depends on you.”


“we see the world not on what it is, but no who are .”


Robert Liang





   “we see the world not on what it is, but no who are .”Scholastic adage said. I like this statement. This reminds me of the famous philosopher Aristotle said, “Happiness depends on you.” some people always complain about something and they feel unfair everyday. These people like to say: “Boring, presentation is so, or bad, etc.” they are negative and passive. And they influence others. Because they provide a negative atmosphere. They usually don’t participate actively. These kinds of people fail easily and few of them become successful.



    However positive people see the world with a bright sight. They are passionate and active. They are diligent and patient. Even if they face difficult problems, they are persistent and they don’t give up easily. They always say “I like these, it is good, they are wonderful, and these presentations are perfect. The projects we performed are amazing. They usually feel happy even if they get a little bit progress.


In the end, I want to use Shakespeare’s ideas to mark my conclusion, he said, “ you feel what you think.”




编辑上传:夏 滢 Shining Xia




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