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My Mind Talks In Learning English

时间:2008-07-06 00:00:00  来源:征文比赛  作者:朱沁哲



My Mind Talks In Learning English





Learning English is not an amount of effort ,but a state of mind; It is not a matter of how much time you spend stooping over a desk, what materials you have been using, which decent school you attend or who you are guided by. It is about where your purpose lies, what you expect it to bring about and  the use you make of each opportunity that falls upon you; It is your mind that has the say, your mind that reigns on most occasions.


Learning English means endless perseverance over coming laziness, intrepidity defeating inborn bashfulness ; It means practicing for progress, repeating for recollection .Nobody tops merely due to the influence of gift. They forge ahead to their own beliefs.


Your tongue may inflame, but to give up half way burns your future into ashes .Your flaw nature may hold you back, but without bold attempts you are not able to turn the impossibilities into dust.


I could have learnt English for a high rank in exams, yet it has been the goal of qualifying an interpreter that motivate me to go on. I could have been occupied in accomplishing English homework with tiredness for hours, yet it has been my special interest towards literature that made it hard to tear myself away from it. I could have shrunk when English conversations take place, yet my determination tells me to step forward and aids me to earn the passage towards communicativeness .


When your mind is lured to nasty, your learning is covered with sands of rot, weed of rabbles, then you would deteriorate. But so long as you let yourself controlled by a purest faith and keep your mind away from undesirable temptation , there is hope that you will win at length


Learning English helps me to reflect upon the essence of my mind, to recognize my innate weakness ,to conduct myself still better at almost every aspect.






※ 隐私声明
