时间:2017-06-23 10:08:59
来源:网络 作者:Alex
Medical research centre the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota reveals that men should be drinking 13 cups of it a day on average, while women could consume nine.
But every person's body is different - and the amount you really need to drink can be worked out using a simple scientific formula.
Step 1: Take your weight (in lbs) and divide it by 2.2.
1. 测量体重(单位:磅),然后除以2.2(换算:1公斤≈2.2磅)
Step 2: Multiply that number by your age.
2. 所得结果乘以年龄
Step 3: Divide that sum by 28.3.
3. 上述计算结果除以28.3
Step 4: Your total is how many ounces of water you should drink each day.
4. 计算出的结果就是你每天应该饮用的水量(单位:盎司)(1盎司=29.27毫升)
Step 5: Divide that number by eight to see your result in cups.
5. 第4步的结果除以8,得出到底要喝几杯
From feeling less tired to clearing up spots, drinking enough water can cure all sorts of ills.