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时间:2016-12-07 17:35:47  
来源:平和英语村  作者:平和英语村

 1. 'What is my biggest strength?'

1. “我的最大优势是什么?”
VaynerMedia CEO and cofounder Gary Vaynerchuk writes on Quora that asking this question is the key to loving your job.
VaynerMedia的总裁兼联合创始人Gary Vaynerchuk在Quora上写道,这个问题就是判断你是否热爱工作的关键。
As he explains, so many people have jobs they hate because they haven't found their true passion yet. "They are good at a few things, so that's what they do here and there, but they aren't sure what that one big thing they want to do forever could be," he says.
"Stop doing stuff you hate. Nail down your strengths so you can discover your passion," he advises.“
2. 'What was different then from now?'
2. “现在与过去发生了什么改变?”
If you're struggling to start a new habit, "Better Than Before: Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives" author Gretchen Rubin suggests thinking about a time in the past when you successfully changed your behavior.
如果你在挣扎着培养新的习惯,那么《活得更好:掌握日常生活的习惯》的作者Grechen Rubin建议就读者们,好好想想过去成功转变行为习惯的那个时刻。
Asking yourself, "What was different then from now?" can help you figure out what factors helped you successfully change your behavior in the past so that you can emulate them going forward.
3. 'Why so serious?'
3. “何必如此较真呢?”
"I tend to fuss over little things and don't feel quite alright until I get them done in the manner I desire," writes Quora user Soham Banerjee. The question is a good reminder to us all not to take life so seriously all the time and can help put things in perspective.“
“我的心情很容易因小事情影响变得不那么好,直到我采取自己喜欢的方式处理它们。”Quora网站的用户Soham Banerjee答道。这个问题对于我们每个人来说都起到警示的作用:别总把生活过得太较真,才能让我们正确地看待事情。
4. 'Do I pick partners and friends who support me, challenge me, encourage me, and help me grow?'
Quora user Nela Canovi says: "There is a saying that we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with. Think about the people in your life. Are the people close to you helping you grow as a human being? Or do you spend time with people who don't respect their own time (and therefore won't respect yours), who drain your energy, who are negative and only like to complain, and who exemplify a 'fixed mindset' instead of a 'growth mindset' so that at the end of the day you struggle to understand why you don't feel happy and energized around them?
Quora网站的用户Nela Canovi表示:“有一个这样的说法:我们就是与我们相处的5个人的平均值。所以想一想那些在你生命里出现的人们。那些与你关系密切的人们能否为你的成长为人贡献力量?还是你花时间与一些不尊重自己个人时间(随之也不尊重你的时间)的人相处,他们耗费你的精力,负能量满满、只会抱怨,只是一个‘顽固不化’而不是带有‘发展思维’的人,以致你总是苦苦挣扎,难以理解自己为什么在他们身边总是闷闷不乐,无法获得动力?”
"Be selective about who you keep in your inner circle of friends. Surround yourself with people based on your common interests, your values, the things you consider important to your personal growth, as well as how you value time, knowledge, and friendship."


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