1.内部招聘internal promotion
优点:have more motivational value boost maral encourage employees to continue effort give other employees anticipation of promotion reduce the orientation and training cost make good use of abundant human resources
缺点:if not fair,it will lead to internal conflict
2.外部招聘external recruitment
优点:receive a source of new ideas/latest knowledge,avoid unfair selecting,be contributable to company‘s overall growth and success
缺点:deprive career anticipation,discourage morale,Increase training cost
其他招聘方式(TV,newspapers,internet,recruitment company)
Internet(online recruitment):lost cost;reach vast audience/attract wide attention;attract potential customes + may be annoying
Television:reach vast audience + high cost;people often change channels
Newspaper(put ad in the local newspaper):reach vast reader + life span is short,readers often discard them quickly
ask a recruitment company :professional + high cos;cannot find the right person